Sunday, November 7, 2010

Seventh Grade Writing

 I think I did this for my English class:

Disestablishmentarianisms are mononuclear paladins with hydromantic ramekin. They are related to Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanokoniosis and like to floccinaucinihilipilification. Hopefully we can Honorificabilitudinitatibus Pseudopseudohypoparathyroidism. Then life would be supercalifragilisticexpealidocious.

These are all real words!!

Utah Studies Term Project Report
J.R. Oldham Period 3
            Lots of people think that service work is a chore but for me, it was a blessing in disguise. For my Utah studies term project I did service by doing yard work and collecting food for a food drive. I weeded and edged my elderly grandparent’s lawn, and helped them plant, water, and fill their 1 acre garden. I did this on Saturdays throughout the term. While working, I got hot, sweaty, thirsty and discouraged, but one of the most rewarding things about yard work is seeing the finished product. I also had my family helping out along the way. Some more yard work that I did with a church group was mowing and weeding a family’s home whose mother was expecting a child, and the father was disabled.  Working in the yard was fun for me. It also improved my work ethic and probably my muscles.

            When I went on this canning drive, it was storming snow for two hours! I went with my church group and knocked on doors asking for canned or boxed food items. Then we’d lug the food out to a trailer. These items would go to a bishop’s storehouse to help feed those who are in need. Luckily, I did not get cold in the slightest because I had on plenty of warm clothes. The snow was so deep at one point that we had to push one of our leader cars out of some snow. This food drive was fun, not only because I knew I was helping others in need, but I had fun running around with my friends in the snow.
This project was extremely fun, while driving for food in the snow, and doing yard work for those in need. After doing this project, I think serving others benefits the server just as much as the person in need.


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