Wow! Today my family and I got to go over to the Phillips home (my grandpa’s house) to eat out of the Phillips’ garden. Even though this is a time honored Sunday tradition, it was especially good today. There were brussel sprouts and mashed potatoes, two of my most favorite things in the world. After dinner, my family and I sometimes go to James’s house (my grandpa Oldham’s house) and play legos with my cousins. Then, later, I go home to relax with my cat. I have trained my cat to go through a cat door into the furnace room, what my family used to call the cats’ rooms. We used to have two cats, but then one died, so now we just call it the cat’s room.
This term has been great! I have made a lot of new friends, I learned a lot, and had a blast along the way. I've also had some pretty boring and hard things to do too. Whether I am staying up late doing homework, or playing with the SBOs during homeroom. First term has been a party.
To start off, I want to talk about algebra 2 honors, a very easy class to compare to a monster, its massive mouth leering up at you from a huge worksheet. Algebra 2 is definitely the hardest class I’ve ever taken in my junior high career. In this particular class, I get about three assignments that are due the next time I come to class. Since I am really good at procrastinating, I usually wait until 8 o’clock the night before it’s due to start doing the 50+ questions that are the hardest problems I’ve ever attempted in my life. And if I thought the assignments were hard, I didn’t know that the tests would be much harder. These tests are timed, adding to the amount of stress already heaped upon you. During one of these tests, I found myself so nervous my leg would not stop shaking. But alas, due to hard work, a lot of stress, staying up late doing homework, and going to school early for help has earned me an A-, which I am kind of put out about, owing that it could have been an A very easily.
As it turns out, I have enjoyed every single one of my classes. Even Honors English has been very fun to do. You can probably guess I’m having the time of my life writing this blog entry right now. Kidding aside, reading books like The Chosen has really been interesting. I’m looking forward to reading the books for the second term of Honors English.
This term I have met a lot of new people that are really nice. One of my goals for this year was to know every person’s name in the whole school because everyone likes to hear his own name. I am realizing now it’s going to be really hard to do this. But I figure if I meet 2 new people everyday, I should be able to be Mr. Memorization by the end of the year.
One thing that has been fun about being an SBO was the chance to visit other schools. I’m pretty sure all of the Davis County Jr. High schools’ SBOs think theirs is the best school. When the other SBOs and I visit their schools, they are kind of annoying sometimes. Apart from this, I love watching the boys basketball team play, they are really exiting to watch!
This term has been really fun, and I hope to continue with the fun in term number two!
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