What if our founding fathers of this great country never decided to work together and unify a country? Good bye democracy, hello king George. Would Ernest Shackleton’s crew ever have escaped from the bitter cold of the Antarctic if they suddenly yelled, “every man for himself”? No, our world would be very different if people did not work together.
An Orchestra performs, a soccer team scores a goal. All due to team work.
Humans, in all our follies, flops, and flubs, need the help of others to support us in the race to the finish line. And not only does the struggling person accomplish more than they ever could without us, we benefit from it more than we could ever know.
As Henry Ford once said:
“Coming together is a beginning.
Keeping together is progress
Working together is success.”
Let’s choose to work together, let’s choose to help one another. Because in a world like today, we could all use a helping hand.
Cool entry.