Sunday, April 10, 2011

Getting a Job at Cherry Hill

            In the past summers I have had informal jobs working for some of my neighbors mowing their lawns. I have enjoyed having a job that helps me become more reliable and hard working. It is also nice to have your own source of money. And now that times keep getting harder, I need money so I can pay for my mission and help pay for college. Because of all this, I needed too get a more steady summer job. I didn’t want to work at Lagoon because you have to work on Sunday, and I wanted something closer too home. So I filled out an application for Cherry Hill Water Park. Since I am only a Freshman, I can only work on the grounds crew, which mows the lawns and things like that.

             I was feeling pretty good about the application, but my Mom doubted that I would get the job, owing to that there are a lot of people that want to work there. I was pretty happy when I got a call from Cherry Hill saying they wanted to interview me. From what I could find out, the interview was like the second test, only some people got an interview, and only a fraction of those got the job. So on a snowy Friday after wrestling, I went to Cherry Hill to have my interview. I didn’t think I would have to dress up that much, so I just put on a collared shirt. My interviewer was wearing jeans and a t- shirt, so I thought I would be okay. The interview went well, but when I came out I saw Farmington Junior High’s Student Body President in a shirt and tie going in to have his interview. I doubted I would make the cut because I didn’t dress up, but I did! I got a summer job mowing lawns at Cherry Hill Water Park! This summer should be awesome!

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