This year's holiday break has been very fun! I've gotten to ski at Snow Basin frequently, play with my cousins, go to the Mormon Tabernacle choir's Christmas concert with David Archuleta, and just enjoy the holiday cheer that comes with this most joyous time of the year.
One of my most favorite things about winter is the skiing. I have a season pass to Snow Basin, one of the best ski resorts in the world. So when school is out, I try to get on the slopes as much as possible. I have an awesome grandpa that also has a season pass, so I catch rides up to the resort with him and ski the rest of the day. Skiing is such a fun sport because of the freedom it provides, there are no rules or out of boundaries lines, so you can make your own way down the mountain. I also like to pretend I'm cool and know what I'm doing by going off the jumps. I don't like to go in the park, but I think it is really fun to go sailing of a ledge. But to be cool, you've got to yell something like "airtime" as you go off the jump, then your jump will be a lot more "sick".One new development in my ski life is that I got a new ski coat for Christmas, once again, I have to say that it is pretty "sick". It's a patterned brown sort of color, and it has a special pocket on the sleeve to put your season pass into.
My cousins usually come up during the holidays and it is always fun. Over the course of their stay we have gotten pretty amazing at Mario Kart and Just Dance 2, we go skiing and have air soft wars. In these awesome air soft wars, we get all our high tech gear together and then head over to my grandma's back yard, she has a big yard with a lot of things to hide in, like the tree house or the barn. Today we had an airsoft war that ended with us dropping our guns and resorting to snow ball fights.
Another holiday tradition my family has is to go to the Mormon Tabernacle Choir Christmas concert every year. They are always enjoyable and fun. This year David Archuleta came to sing with the choir, which was nice. He has a really great voice and sounded great with the choir. This concert always helps me get into this wonderful season a little but more. After the concert, my family and I went to Crown Burger, which was also fun.
I am blessed with a great family that is very musically talented. So every year on Christmas eve, we have a party where we have a musical program and do the nativity scene. This year I was the narrator. This party is also fun because of the time spent with my family. Christmas is a great time, and that combined with a great family, makes the holiday season one of my most favorite times of the year.
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